Acervo Bibliográfico

Título Autor Ano Local de Edição Editora Nº da Edição
Towards Juristocracy: The Origins and Consequences of the New Constitutionalism Ran Hirschl
2007 Harvard University
The Wheel of Law: India’s Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn
2003 New Jersey
Princeton University
Judicial Independence in the Age of Democracy: Critical Perspectives from Around the World David M. O’brien
Peter H. Russel
2001 University Press of Viginia
Constitutional Dialogues in Comparative Perspective John C. Reitz
Sally J. Kenney
William M. Reisinger
1999 New York
Direitos Fundamentais: Direito Estadual I Bernhard Schlink
Bodo Pieroth
2008 Lisboa
Universidade Lusíada
Res Judicata, Estoppel and Foreign Judgments: The Precusive Efects of Foreing Judgments in Private International Law Peter Barnett
2001 New York
Oxford University
Transnational Organized Crime: a Commentary on the UN Convetion and its Protocols David McClean
2007 New York
Oxford University
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